Older News Items

29th November 2023 –
1001 Deadly Chess Puzzles is now also available worldwide in
Kindle format. The print edition is also available direct from
Amazon outside the US and Canada. The US print edition will follow

29th November 2023 –
Secrets of Queen
Endgames is now available in Kindle and print format worldwide direct from Amazon.
There is also a hardback edition available for those who prefer this

21st November 2023 – Our new title
Secrets of Queen
Endgames is now available in app format for iOS and Android.
There isn’t much literature available on queen endings and this book
contains a wealth of original analysis, together with general
explanations useful for practical play. Kindle and print editions
will be available in due course.

14th November 2023 – As an experiment, we have released a hardback
edition of
Chess for Zebras,
one of our classic titles. We know that some of you would like a
hardback edition, especially for books which you can dip into time
and time again. The new edition can be purchased directly from
Amazon, just choose the appropriate country:




11th November 2023 – Our brand-new title
1001 Deadly Chess
Puzzles is now available in app format for iOS and Android.

24th August 2023 – All our Kindle editions (174 English, 58 German
and 3 Spanish) now have the interactive Lichess feature!

8th August 2023 – We have now extended the powerful Lichess feature
in our Kindle books to over 200 titles in English, German and
Spanish. This feature allows you to tap on a diagram and transfer
that position to a Lichess analysis board, where you can use an
analysis engine, search for games reaching the position, use
tablebases and so on. Our
dedicated page explains this
feature in more detail. Most of our Kindle books now support this
feature, but to find out if a particular book includes it please refer
either to the individual book page or see our list of Kindle books (

for English-language or

for German-language).

8 de agosto de 2023 – Tres libros Kindle en español de Gambit tienen ahora una nueva
característica: ¡cada diagrama es también un enlace a un tablero de
análisis de lichess! (database, evaluación, etc.)
Los secretos de la estrategia moderna en ajedrez

El camino hacia el progreso en ajedrez

Aprende ajedrez

8th July 2023 – All three books in John’s Nunn classic endgame trilogy
Secrets of Rook
Secrets of Pawnless Endings and
Secrets of Minor-Piece
Endings are now available as Gambit re-releases. The final
volume of the series,
Secrets of Minor-Piece Endings, has been re-typeset in B5 format
with many extra diagrams. It is available immediately in three
formats: print, Chess Studio app and Kindle.

Mai 2023 – Sechs deutschsprachige Bücher werden
erstmals im Kindle-Format zur Verfügung gestellt.
101 Angriffsideen
im Schach,
Geheimnisse der Schachintuition,
Speelmans Buch der Schachaufgaben,
Entscheidungsfindung am Schachbrett,
Wie man Glück im
Schach hat und
Lektionen zur
Schachstrategie können ab sofort bei amazon.de bestellt

2nd May 2023 – In 2014 we re-released the classic book
John Nunn’s Best Games
in Kindle and app format. Now it is also available in print for the
first time in many years. The book has been re-typeset in B5 format
and has many extra diagrams.

2nd May 2023 – Six backlist titles are now available in Kindle
format for the first time:
Guide to the Réti Opening,
Easy Guide
to the Najdorf,
Guide to the Nimzo-Indian,
Your Chess,
to Crush Your Chess Opponents and
101 Chess
Endgame Tips.

13th March 2023 – Some of our titles have become out of stock or
difficult to obtain in certain territories (especially the UK and
Europe). We have addressed this issue and made over 40 hard-to-get
titles, both English and German-language, easily available from
Amazon. There are too many to list here so please go to the
individual book pages for availability information.

13th March 2023 – It’s been some time since the last update, but we
haven’t been idle at Gambit. We have reissued a wide range of
backlist books which are now all available direct from Amazon. These
The Gambit Book of Instructive Chess Puzzles,
A Course in Chess
50 Ways to Win at Chess,
365 Ways to Checkmate,
Elements of Chess
How Chess
Games are Won and Lost,
Instructive Modern Chess Masterpieces,
Explained: The English Opening,
101 Chess
Questions Answered,
King’s Indian and Grünfeld: Fianchetto Lines,
Play the Najdorf
Explained: The Modern Benoni.

30. Dezember 2022 – Viele unserer Kindle-Bücher haben eine
attraktive neue Funktion, bei der jedes Diagramm mit einem
Lichess-Brett verlinkt ist, so dass Sie alle Lichess-Funktionen
nutzen können, wie z. B. eine Analyse-Engine, Stellungssuche usw.
Diese Funktion wurde nun zu einigen unserer deutschen Kindle-Titel
hinzugefügt. Weitere Einzelheiten finden Sie auf
dieser Seite.

22nd December 2022 – Gambit have released another five backlist
titles in Kindle format for the first time:
101 Attacking
Ideas in Chess,
Secrets of Chess
Creative Chess Strategy,
Winning Unorthodox
Highlights of the 20th Century. They are now all available from
Amazon. These five Kindle titles include an exciting new feature in
which each diagram links to a Lichess board allowing you to use all
the Lichess features, such as an analysis engine, position search
and so on. See our
dedicated page for more details.

7th December 2022 – For Apple users of our app Chess Studio 2, the
compatability issues with iOS16 have been solved. See our
dedicated app page for more

10. November 2022 – Fünf deutsche Bücher werden im Printformat neu
aufgelegt und sind bei Amazon erhältlich. Diese sind
Verständnis der Schachendspiele,
Erstürmung der
Geheimnisse moderner Schacheröffnungen Band 3 und
Schachstrategie in

8th October 2022 – The expanded edition of
Solving in Style,
originally available only in electronic format, is now also
available in print form direct from Amazon here

or from your national Amazon store.

8th October 2022 – A further batch of five Gambit reissued titles
are now available from Amazon:
A Killer Chess Opening Repertoire - new enlarged edition,
Decision-Making at the Chessboard,
Beating the
Fianchetto Defences,
Explained: The Main-Line Slav and
The Gambit
Guide to the Benko Gambit.

17th September 2022 – Five more Gambit reissued titles are now
available from Amazon:
Chess Self-Improvement,
Queen’s Gambit and Catalan for Black,
Chess Recipes from the Grandmaster’s Kitchen,
Explained: The Meran Semi-Slav and
The Sicilian Sozin.

10th September 2022 – A further batch of five Gambit reissued titles
are now available from Amazon:
Secrets: Counter-Attack!,
Explained: the Taimanov Sicilian,
The French:
Tarrasch Variation,
Chess Champion from
China and
The English Attack.

10th September 2022 – Gambit have released another five backlist
titles in Kindle format for the first time:
The System: A World Champion’s Approach to Chess,
Elements of Chess
50 Ways to Win at Chess,
Jon Speelman’s
Chess Puzzle Book and
Chess Endings Made
Simple. They are all available from Amazon.

11th August 2022 – A further batch of Gambit reissued titles is now
available from Amazon:
Winning Chess Explained,
How to Play Dynamic
Explained: The Classical Sicilian,
French: Advance
and Other Lines and
Grandmaster Secrets: Winning Quickly at Chess.

7th August 2022 – Gambit have released two backlist titles in app
format for the first time:
Chess Endgame Training
of Chess Endgame Strategy. They are both available on the Gambit
Chess Studio 2 app for Apple (iOS) and Android.

28th July 2022 – Gambit have released five more backlist titles in
Kindle format for the first time:
How to Defend in Chess,
Improve Your
Attacking Chess,
Chess Self-Improvement,
Chess Recipes from the Grandmaster’s Kitchen and
101 Chess
Questions Answered. They are all available from Amazon.

24th July 2022 – Two Gambit editions are newly released in printed
format. Göran Forslund’s
Chess is published for the first time in print, and is a
wide-ranging and entertaining introduction to chess problems. A
‘remastered’ edition of Graham Burgess’s
The Slav, featuring hundreds of revisions and expansions to the
analysis and many extra diagrams, is also available. Both books are
available direct from Amazon, as well as on Gambit’s Chess Studio

9th July 2022 – Our new title
Understanding Pawn
Endgames (Valentin Bogdanov) is now available in all formats,
app (on the Apple and Google stores), Kindle and finally print
direct from Amazon here

or from your national Amazon store.

30 de mayo de 2022 – Tres libros se reeditan en forma impresa y
ahora están disponibles en Amazon:
Los secretos de la estrategia
moderna en ajedrez

El camino hacia el progreso en ajedrez

Aprende ajedrez

30 de mayo de 2022 – También en Kindle:
Los secretos de la
estrategia moderna en ajedrez

El camino hacia el progreso en ajedrez

Aprende ajedrez

26th May 2022 – Gambit are releasing five more backlist titles in
Kindle format for the first time:
The Most
Valuable Skills in Chess,
Champion at the Third Attempt,
Decision-Making at the Chessboard,
How to be Lucky in Chess and
Foundations of
Chess Strategy. They are all available from Amazon.

26th May 2022 – For several years
Secrets of
Grandmaster Chess has only been available in electronic format.
Now Gambit has reissued this award-winning title in print format,
using a larger B5 page size and including many extra diagrams. It is
available direct from Amazon.

26th May 2022 – A further batch of Gambit reissued titles is now
available from Amazon:
50 Essential Chess Lessons,
Explained: The Queen’s Indian,
Chess Explained: The
101 Chess
Endgame Tips,
Improve Your Chess - by Learning from the Champions and
Jon Speelman’s
Chess Puzzle Book.

10th May 2022 – Two more Gambit titles have been reissued and are
now available from Amazon:
Understanding Your Chess and
The Taimanov Sicilian.

10. Mai 2022 – Drei deutsche Bücher werden im Printformat neu
aufgelegt und sind bei Amazon erhältlich. Diese sind
Geheimnisse der Bauernführung im Schach,
konkret: der klassische Sizilianer und
Schachtraining für angehende Champions.

5th May 2022 – Five backlist Gambit titles have been issued in
Kindle format for the first time:
Understanding the
The Art of Attacking
Secrets of Chess Endgame Strategy,
Chess Endgame Training
Improve Your Chess - by Learning from the Champions.

7th April 2022 – The sixteenth batch of Gambit reissued titles is
now available from Amazon:
Ultimate Chess Strategy Book volume 1,
Play the Sicilian
Complete Guide to the Grivas Sicilian,
Play the 2 c3 Sicilian
How to be Lucky in

4th April 2022 – A further batch of Gambit titles have been reissued
in print format and are available from Amazon:
Lessons in Chess
Play the Classical
Most Amazing Chess Moves of All Time,
Play the 4 f3
The Ruy
Lopez: A Guide for Black.

21st March 2022 – A fourteenth batch of Gambit titles have been
reissued in print format and are available from Amazon:
Beat the Grandmasters,
101 Winning Chess
Chess Planning,
Chess Opening Preparation and
Chess Explained: The Queen’s Gambit Declined.

15th March 2022 – Another batch of Gambit titles have been reissued
in print format and are available from Amazon:
Modern Chess Analysis,
Gambit Guide to the Modern Benoni,
Creative Chess Strategy,
The Queen’s Indian
Chess Endings
Made Simple.

8. März 2022 – Wir haben eine preisgünstigere Taschenbuchausgabe
unseres Bestsellers
für Kinder herausgegeben. Sie kann direkt bei amazon.de
gekauft werden.

5th March 2022 – A twelfth batch of Gambit titles have been reissued
in print format and are available from Amazon:
Secrets of Chess
Secrets of
Chess Transformations,
Essential Chess Sacrifices,
Explained: The Nimzo-Indian and
The Grandmaster’s Mind.