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Also available as an e-book ($9.95) with the interactive lichess feature and an app-book ($14.99)
Grandmaster John Nunn provides a complete chess education, covering decision-making methods
and psychological factors in addition to the most important strategic and tactical methods.
Following on from his successful books Understanding Chess Endgames and Understanding Chess Middlegames, John Nunn fleshes out the theory by showing how World Champion Emanuel Lasker handled a wide variety of practical situations. We see how Lasker’s play, which his opponents found so unfathomable, was based on logic, extreme pragmatism and a deep understanding of how chess-players think.
· Covers topics not usually considered, such as queenless middlegames and manoeuvringDownload a pdf file with a sample from the book.
“One of the best releases in 2014” – Uwe Bekemann, FERNSCHACHBUND
“Lasker’s games are fun and instructive, and Nunn is a sure guide” – John Hartmann, CHESS LIFE
“An outstanding achievement... Nunn’s writing truly explores Lasker’s reasoning, explaining in concise text why both good moves and errors occur. He explains how Lasker managed and adjusted to circumstances at the board, and how we can learn from such thinking. This book is special and I give it the highest recommendation” – Ross Jackson, NEW ZEALAND CHESS
“If John Nunn was a soldier he would have been a sniper. The man is the living embodiment of cool calculation, precision and ice cold professionalism. When he has a king in his sights he always seems to be able to make the kill shot. His prose in this – like his other books – is brutally honest, highly engaging and very educational. The reader never has to look far to find the golden nuggets that may help to buy your way to a better chess game” – Carl Portman,
“Even though Lasker’s play can seem mysterious, it didn’t stop John Nunn from producing this complete chess educational course, beautifully published by Gambit Publications” – Bab Wilders, Nederlands Dagblad
“Now and again, amongst the hundreds of new books published, a jewel arrives. These are few and far between but John Nunn’s new publication is one of these jewels. Surprisingly, relatively little has been written on Emanuel Lasker – world champion for 27 years. This could well be explained by what commentators have said about his style which has been variously described as mystical and lucky. Lasker’s success has been very difficult to examine and describe, but Nunn’s book tackles this subject in a matter-of-fact manner and comes up with a complete answer which is well described by the heading of the second chapter – “Misunderstood Genius”. Choosing to examine the chess strategy, tactics etc. through the medium of the career of one player satisfies two objectives – one, the biographical chess career of a world champion and the other, all techniques necessary to become a proficient chess player. Nunn succeeds magnificently in achieving this. When I was involved in running a chess stall at congresses, many times I faced the question "Can you recommend a chess book that I can read?". Now, I would not struggle to find an answer.” – Bill Frost, CHESS DEVON
“John Nunn’s Chess Course is a wonderful book. It is genuinely instructive and should conclusively prove that the old masters and their games still have a lot to offer... very much one of the books of the year” – Sean Marsh, CHESS MAGAZINE
“A very interesting chess improvement book... Nunn uses examples from many different situations to explain characteristics of a position. And he always gives alternatives and elaborates on their respective merits. Most of all he is objective and tries to treat any game of chess as a neutral battle, without prejudice. A better summary of Lasker’s pragmatic and psychological approach, as described wonderfully in John Nunn’s Chess Course, is hardly thinkable” – Arnie Moll, CHESS.COM
Gambit books by John Nunn: 1001 Deadly Checkmates, Endgame Challenge, Grandmaster Chess Move by Move, Grandmaster Secrets: Winning Quickly at Chess, John Nunn’s Best Games, John Nunn’s Chess Course, John Nunn’s Chess Puzzle Book NEW EDITION, Learn Chess,Learn Chess Tactics, Nunn’s Chess Endings volume 1, Nunn’s Chess Endings volume 2, Secrets of Grandmaster Chess, Secrets of Pawnless Endings, Secrets of Practical Chess NEW EDITION, Secrets of Rook Endings, Solving in Style, Understanding Chess Endgames, Understanding Chess Middlegames,Understanding Chess Move by Move, Vishy Anand: World Chess Champion (with Vishy Anand).
All trade enquiries should be directed to the Publishers: GAMBIT PUBLICATIONS LTD